Field Reports
route launches, stewardship campouts, events, and other musings.

Cispus Collaborative Chainsaw Training - 2025
Do you love the smell of bar oil in the morning and waking up next to your sweetheart, Stihl? Make a date with your bestie chainsaw to attend the 4th Annual Cispus Collaborative Chainsaw training hosted by the Upper Cowlitz Valley Trails Coalition.

First Thru Rider of Washington’s Colemonti Crossing: Dustin Raisanen
I got to spend 17 days in the wilderness on my bike. Life can’t get much better than that. Every sunrise and sunset, some really incredible descents at last light. But mostly the kindness along the way, and all of the wonderful conversations with strangers.
Klickitat Sisters—an ancient upcountry portal
The Klickitat Sisters Trail is an ancient upcountry portal into another way of life. There are stories from oral tradition and eyewitness accounts that for millennia the people of the Yakima, Klickitat, and Columbia River have passed through these ridges and meadows as trade routes and during annual huckleberry harvests. Its reawakening provides a trove of treasures for those who seek.

Recap: Cispus Chainsaw Collaborative
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of traveling to Randle, WA for the 3rd annual Cispus Chainsaw Collaborative. Over three days, students learned the basics of saw maintenance, appropriate safety gear, the physics of binds, hazards, and of course got plenty of trigger time too.

Cispus Collaborative Chainsaw Training - 2024
Do you love the smell of bar oil in the morning and waking up next to your sweetheart, Stihl? Make a date with your bestie chainsaw to attend the 3rd Annual Cispus Collaborative Chainsaw training hosted by the Upper Cowlitz Valley Trails Coalition (UCVTC).

Klickitat Sisters Stewardship
Last year, a rockstar group met high above Packwood and logged out about half of the 17 miles of the Klickitat Sisters Trail, an ancient indigenous trading route between the Klickitat and Cowlitz people. Last weekend we returned to finish the job.