A Chance Encounter in Jerseydale

I was attempting to get some work done while posted up on a ridgeline with a good cell signal, but instead I opened Trailforks and discovered that there was a network of trails right under my nose.
Naturally, I immediately got lost and was pedaling myself out of a deep hole as the sun was sinking in the sky. The trails (also damaged by a several recent fires) were infrequently used and, not expecting an audience, I was talking to myself on the grind up when another rider pedaled up behind me. I think we both had an exaggerated “What the hell are you doing here?!” expression, but soon Scott revealed that he had been building this network with another local friend and proceeded to take me on a tour of his favorite descent—full of fun, creative features.
The hospitality of everyone I met on this trip was unparalleled, and Scott was no exception. I stayed with him an extra day and even lent a hand on a new water crossing.
Home of the Miwok people.
Jerseydale on Trailforks.