Returning to Pinecrest

After having explored the amazing granite riding of Pinecrest several years prior, I was excited to return and get my hands dirty. While much of the high country was still buried in snow, we discovered a few lower elevation gems and met the local riders and builders.
Very little information can be found about Pinecrest riding online, but it is a very worthy destination. The tiny community hosts a hoard of visitors that flock to the lake in the summer, but on the trails you’re not likely to meet many others. And if you do, they probably helped build them. I had been signing the virtues of Pinecrest to a few Portland friends who made the trek south to meet us. It was a treat to ride and work with them, as well as meeting so many local builders who took pleasure in wearing us out with endless trail linkups and shuttle repeats.
Home of the Miwok and Washoe people.
Pinecrest Peak on Trailforks.